Hotmilk donates nursing bras to under priviliged women in need

Hotmilk donates nursing bras to under priviliged women in need

Every woman should have the ability to maintain her dignity!

For a lot of us this occurs without thought, however for many women and girls, finding bras and having proper menstrual products are daily worries. Many women wear the same bra for years, potentially causing health problems, and each month have to make a choice between paying for meals or buying a box of tampons.

I spport the girls HotmilkI Support the Girls is a non for profit organisation that collects and distributes donations of new and gently used bras, and individually sealed tampons and maxi pads to women and girls nationally and internationally. Whether they are homeless, refugees, in transitional housing, or fleeing domestic violence, women and girls should never have to compromise on dignity.

Oscar Wilde once said

"What seems to us as bitter trials, are often blessings in disguise"
and thats exactly what happened when we received a delivery of 300 second nursing bras to our US Warehouse. We could of added these to our growing landfill problem, but thought differently. We approached I Support the Girls and offered them the entire size range of our bras.

They were extremly grateful of the offer and have distributed the bras to Healthnet, which provides midwives and OBGYN services to very low income women. They were also distrubuted to the Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition, which encourages extended breastfeeding among African American women.

The smiles and gratitude we have received from this donation has been incredible and we love supporting people around the world in any way we can.

To date, I Support the Girls have helped more than 180,000 girls and women retain their dignity by collecting 350,000 bras and 1,800,000 menstrual hygiene products and distributing them worldwide to 350 vetted shelters and organizations.

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