Welcome to the world of motherhood, where every moment is an adventure and every milestone is a cause for celebration. Here at the Hotmilk Blog, we're your passport to the most exciting and empowering journey of your life, insights into motherhood, breastfeeding, and the world of maternity lingerie and nursing bras.
Three Baby Sleep Case Studies
No cry sleep training Many parents think any form of sleep training involves shutting a helpless baby in a room alone to cry it out...
Top 10 newborn sleep tips!
Swaddle, Swaddle, Swaddle Your baby has spent 9 months in utero this has cocooned your baby and created that reassuring snug feeling which has enabled...
Knickers for Africa
Hotmilk Lingerie assisted former Zimbabwean Morag Roy in an effort to lower the rate of sexual abuse amongst young women living in villages in Zimbabwe...